Friday, November 12, 2010

Be handled vent their dissatisfaction with the

Young and restless Chapter expelledKnown as the L key middle market lines the closed gate, standing outside the school Prynne wearing white uniforms of the three young

people to this end is full of laughter and youthful spirit of campus life, the fate of the axis of rotation for the wheels began to be expelled from the layout of the

campus after the three young people away .....

Yi Miqi around zero in the middle looks pretty tall handsome young headinch heels, fiercely kicked toward the gate, be handled vent their dissatisfaction with the

school, heavy steel door to "bang bang" for inch head and loud voice that young people use it as a punching bag strong protest, the security guard room instantly ran

out from the guard room, while talking with his mouth: "Who Timen ah?"

See the school stood in front of the police station by beating the Son, director of the three students had just been expelled, faces a whole, restored the old days in

the blink of an eye look arrogant and despotic, mouth of a blanket, then shouted: "You three bastard, what gate ah nothing good to play, feel itchy feet to go home to

play. Come on get out."

"You do you say? Today, I,d kick it with you." Three young people to upset the mood by security get called condemning the angry, young middleinch head and face is

extremely ugly, but still wound strength hold back the hearts of anger, narrowing his eyes and looking out across the security, on the left of obese adolescents are

more impulsive a character who curse loudly, picked up a fist fight would go toward security, but by inch head next to it to see young people and like character point

of mild short stature hands of young people blocking.

Security was scared out of involuntary step back, but still strong for the stabilization of mouth is getting: "how you want to hit people, ah, mud on the wall do not

help, advise you as soon as possible to carry a hoe digging it."

"Fanjian." Middleinch head of youth to the security evaluation of the word, obese adolescents as if waving a fist again rushed to, and be turned back, anxious straight

Ziyaliezui stomping, growled the voice of youth, said frontinch head : "Ge, so I used to beat the Wangbagaozi meal, so that his long memory. This son of a bitch did

not hit him while he Piyang."

Inch head youth shook his head, anger has calmed down, exposing the end of the evil intention of a smile, a smile and said: "Some people like to install *, let him

install to go, we do not need to talk to bad people care about this . "

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