Sunday, January 16, 2011

The source of river purple gold county is national poor county

According to understand, the source of river purple gold county is national poor county, province Qiao in Guangdong is allied to hang point to help to hand a pond farmland of village, is this, province Qiao in Guangdong allied the height value hand poverty"double arrive" work, in many ways collect funds to help to hand pond farmland village.Currently, the village has 202, 98 among those doors poor door, 75 Wei buildings.
(Responsibility editor:Li Meng Yi)
Win a new net to give or get an electric shock(reporter Gu Jing Feng) tour bureau in China nation to declare to start a cooperation with Chinese bank on the 29th on December 29, aim at supporting China is traveling industry development.Both parties will carry on a cooperation in the aspects of supporting a development in the small tour business enterprise and supporting large tour business enterprise is"walk out" waiting.

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