Wednesday, October 27, 2010

He described how the fate of an ordinary man is not his own personal life course of care and emotional experience

In his work , you can not see prosperity to the luxury, but do not see the so-called successful people live in dreams, increase fresh pictures, everyone can see we are familiar, and even our own shadow. wild reckless that the fate of ordinary people can reflect the main themes, tory burch the bottom was more representative of the people living real lives. In fact, he described how the fate of an ordinary man is not his own personal life course of care and emotional experience? as wild and reckless of fellow writers Sister Mei Jie, in an article written: the literature , the field is undoubtedly a happy reckless genius. His novel is not only beautiful, but always imbued with a kind of compassionate humanistic concern for the bottom drum call people in tears. This is the most valuable. three for home run, is always a wild reckless heart pain, a long-term care.

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